For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not your own doing; it is the gift of God. - Ephesians 2:8

Contact Lindsey Contact Pastor Ryan
Confirmation is Relationships


Confirmation is the fulfillment of a promise made at baptism by parents in partnership with the whole faith community. It is the promise to live within a faithful community (church), to bring our children to worship, Sunday School, & confirmation where they can learn the Bible, Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the 10 Commandments. It is the promise to bring them where they can be nurtured in faith and prayer, so that your children may learn to trust God, to live in a Christ-filled life through word and deed, and to work for justice and peace.

Education & Application

Each week, all students will gather in the sanctuary for an opening activity, usually at 6:00 pm. Then, we will rotate within our grade groups through 3 stations for the duration of the evening. These rotations include, the lesson in the sanctuary, typically with Pastor Ryan or Pastor Rod, life application in the youth room with LP, and small group time in their small group locations around the church.

Pew Views
Due on Sundays

The purpose of completing a pew view is to keep track of what the students are taking away from the sermon and service. Each confirmation student is required to complete 15 pew views, in person or digital. The student will have access to the online worship services, or the in-person services. These will be made available on the website, as well.

Pew View Form

As we all know, our modern society has us moving in all directions. We know that life is live and we love to serve kids who live full and enriched lives. So, your child is bound to have to miss a night or two, and that's OKAY! We have a plan to make sure they don't fall behind.

  • Make up Option 1: Watch a short video and complete a recap worksheet with a few short questions.
  • Make up Option 2: Come to Sunday School at 9:15 am, do a face to face recap with P Ry or LP and then volunteer the hour with the Sunday school kids.
Worship Enhancements
Using Your Gifts to Serve God

Without formal service projects and acolyte responsibilities, confirmation students are required to serve in a new way. Using their individual gifts, students can choose how to enhance our worship experience each week. For example, playing an instrument/singing for special music, reading the lessons, writing and praying the prayers of the people, creating an art project and sharing with the congregation, helping with the Children's sermon. Arrange through P Ry or Lindsey. 

  • 6th graders: 1 enhancement for the year
  • 7th graders: 2 enhancements for the year 
  • 8th graders: 3 enhancements for the year